Lesson 1 | Read Well

Introducing the Course Project

Rather than a final exam, this course requires students to develop and submit a course project that incorporates all the study skills and markup strategies learned. We encourage you to make progress on your project after turning in your assignment at the end of each lesson. Your study will culminate in a written devotional. You will not submit the completed project until the end of the course, so you will be have plenty of opportunity to review and refine your work as you go.
Take some time now to decide what passage you would like to study. Note that even if your primary interest is a few key verses, you will be studying a whole chapter. Some ideas to consider:
  • a passage that you have recently read but would like to study further
  • a passage your small group will be studying
  • a passage you have long wondered what it means or how it may apply to your life
Note: If you are taking this course with a friend, we ask that you do not choose the same chapter. Feel free to discuss your work with one another and spur one another on, but choosing different passages will help us properly evaluate each student’s grasp of the Markup Bible study method.

What chapter would you like to study for your course project (e.g. Genesis 1)?

Log in / create an account to enroll or continue where you left off.

Set Up Your Course Project

Click the button below and follow the instructions to set up your project in Biblearc TOOLS.
