Lesson 1 | Read Well


Good Bible study begins with simply taking time to read the Bible—and to read it well. Fundamentally, “reading well” entails being an attentive reader, making careful observations, and asking probing questions…all with a view toward genuine discipleship. This course explores how we can use markups to facilitate good reading. The remaining lessons will present various lenses through which we may study a chapter of the Bible.
What’s at Stake
Gain: A life shaped by the word of God Loss: A heart dulled to the message of Scripture
Study Skill
Five strategies for better reading:
  1. Read whole texts
  2. Read again and again
  3. Read aloud
  4. Read actively
  5. Read prayerfully
  • Incline my heart to your testimonies, and not to selfish gain
  • Open my eyes that I may behold wondrous things out of your law
  • Unite my heart to fear your name
  • Satisfy us in the morning with your steadfast love
Markup Lens
In this lesson, we introduced you to the Markup module and got you set up for your course project. In subsequent lessons, we will learn specific strategies for marking up the text related to the particular lens and study skills of that lesson.
