Lesson 2 | Observe Carefully
Take time to carefully observe (and record) all that you can discover in the text.

What’s at Stake
Gain: A heart full of joy
Loss: Boredom with God’s word

Study Skill
Developing your observation skills:
Begin with what draws your attention
Expand your vision to the surrounding details
Record your observations
Don’t be afraid to state the obvious
Be descriptive; don’t merely restate the text
Be patient and persevere
Also, recognize the difference between observations, interpretations, and applications.

Markup Lens
Highlight 1–3 terms or phrases that capture your attention, each with a different color
Add labels to the key for each color
Use the thin highlighter with matching colors to highlight related details
Use dot notes to record descriptive observations
Remember also to maintain the particular point of focus for this lens (Attention Getters), and to come to familiar passages with fresh eyes, looking for something new.