Lesson 1 | Read Well

The Markup Module

In the last step, we encouraged you to read your Bible well by reading entire books—all of Ephesians, all of James, etc. But what about when you want to not just read, but also study? It is at such times you are going to want to focus in on a smaller scope. The precise length of a text to handle at one time will depend on the way you approach Bible study or the method you employ. For this course and the Markup Bible study method, we will handle one chapter at a time.


Play around with the Markup module below to get a sense of how it works. (We will teach you particulars in the lessons to come.)

Play around.

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Why Entire Chapters?

The Markup module is designed to facilitate the study of whole chapters. While there can be great value in choosing a single verse to meditate upon, the seven lenses of Markup are most effective at the chapter level. Studying whole chapters will help us...
  1. Place individual verses in their proper context
  2. Grasp the author's primary burden
  3. Consider the cast of supporting ideas and themes
  4. See the structure the author used to shape his message

But, of course, there is yet another critical piece that must be a part of any Bible study...
