Lesson 3 | Ask Questions
Markup Lens: Questions
Now that your are familiar with the Attention Getters lens, the process is similar for the Questions lens.
1. Highlight the key words or phrases that prompt your questions
2. Add a succinct label for each color
Many questions will be made up of the word Who, What, Where, Why, When, or How plus a word or short phrase.
Alternatively, simply restate the underlined phrase and put a question mark at the end, as to say, “What does this mean?”
3. Highlight related details in matching colors
Don’t underline whole verses, but rather just the key words or phrases to be unpacked in your notes.
Look for any details that help clarify, refine, or even answer your initial questions.
4. Use dot notes to record questions and notes
Every markup should contribute to at least one dot note.
A single dot note could have several bullet points including:
secondary questions that help clarify and refine the initial question
clarifying observations
potential answers
helpful insights from secondary resources