Lesson 10 | Digging Deeper into the Text
Don't Waste Your Phrasing
One of the most disgusting things you can see or smell is moldy food. You open the fridge, rummage in the back, and pull out a container of leftovers - but when you open it, a rancid smell hits your nostrils and fuzzy mold assaults your eyes, making you recoil in horror.
What makes that even worse is if the meal that has gone bad was one of your favorites, or one that you had spent a long time cooking. What a waste of time and of delicious food! But there is nothing to be done but throw the ghastly mess away.
You’ve done a lot of work in phrasing 2 Thessalonians in this class. And, I hope, you’ll do a lot more work phrasing various other passages of Scripture. But what a shame if you go through the Five Passes of Phrasing, even writing down helpful applications for yourself, and then you fail to eat the food you’ve prepared! How sad if the food you’ve slaved over sits and rots, not nourishing your soul, feeding your love for Jesus!
But the good thing is that Phrasing doesn’t grow bacterial cultures—you can go back today to your Notes and read an application you made earlier but haven’t practiced. You can still repent, and become a doer of the Word.
Don’t waste your Phrasing!