Lesson 2 | Searching Theology

What We’ve Learned

What a blessing to gain skill in searching out clear answers to our questions about God and his world!

What We Now Know

You have learned much regarding forming theological questions and how to answer them through Bible searches.
  1. We do not always ask the right questions, but should ask them nonetheless and correct them as needed.
  2. Questions can emerge from…
  3. Culture
  4. Reading and pondering
  5. Life circumstances
  6. Questions stem from…
  7. Ignorance
  8. Confusion
  9. Distaste
  10. Four strategies for forming theological questions:
  11. Be an inquisitive person and let questions naturally arise.
  12. Understand your questions.
  13. Write your questions down.
  14. Reshape your questions for clarity and searchability.
  15. To search for answers to your questions…
  16. Choose which word(s) from your question to search.
  17. Think through synonyms and other ways to say it.
  18. Consider where in the Bible to look.

What We Don’t Know

We do not always know how to think rightly. Whether due to prejudice or ignorance, we sometimes do not see things clearly. This means that knowing how to search for an answer to a theological question is not always enough. Being aware of this limitation should make us all the more eager to be tightly involved in a Bible-loving local church where we can refine and be refined in our understanding of God.
