Lesson 4 | Searching the Original


You’ve Completed the Searching Mini-Course.
In this course, you have gained the skills of searching topics, theological questions, exegetical questions, and the original language words behind your English translation. Along the way you also picked up the ability to compose complex search combos, sharpen and define a theological question, and assess how “close” one passage is to another with concentric circles.
May these new skills serve your deeper study of Scripture and love for Jesus.

The Discovery! Path Course

If you are curious to learn more Bible study aids, check out our Discovery! Course. This course gives you more practice with what you have already learned and also includes:
  • Learning the particulars about the different types of cross-references and how to use them wisely in your Bible study
  • Best practices in comparing Bible translations
  • Help decrypting translator’s footnotes—especially the extremely helpful NET2 notes
  • Becoming familiar with more original language tools
  • Handling quotations and allusions in a responsible way
As a “Path Course,” Discovery! includes assignments with feedback from a certified Biblearc coach. Your coach is also available to discuss questions you have over live coaching calls and encourage you to the finish line.

Path Courses

Our core courses, called “Path Courses,” are designed to lead you deeper in your study of Scripture through academic rigor and a heart of worship. These courses cover the entire spectrum of Bible study training so that there might be something for everyone—both new believers and veteran pastors, stay-at-home moms and missionaries. These courses are conveniently online and include personal coaching, feedback on assignments, big rewards, and more. All of this to help you persevere to the end and truly learn to study the scriptures in greater depth. Our classroom also covers the globe, giving you the opportunity to participate in a truly unique form of fellowship.

Original Language Courses

We also provide eight original language courses—four for Hebrew and four for Greek. Each of these course series are meant to take someone without any knowledge of the original languages to basic proficiency in reading the Bible in the original language.
Links to all of the above courses can be found on here.
