Lesson 6: The Covenantal Horizon


Exegesis and the four disciplines of theology are equally important.

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Each of the four disciplines of theology is based on sound exegesis, but each in turn mutually enriches the other.

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Fill in the blanks in this definition of the Covenantal Horizon: “The horizon that interprets each unit of Scripture as part of God’s plan of in

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According to Matthew Emerson, “biblical theology helps us to see the ‘ ’ of Scripture.”

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The goal of the Covenantal Horizon is to correctly place a passage of Scripture within the biblical , so we can see how it points to .

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According to Dr. DeRouchie, which of the following statements about the relationship between the Old and New Testaments is correct?

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The temporal question of the Covenantal Horizon asks, “ does my passage take place within the plotline of redemptive history?”

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The thematic question of the Covenantal Horizon asks, “What in my passage should I trace through the plotline of redemptive history?”

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A good resource’s underlying presuppositions are:

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A good resource matches your:

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Summarize the “Read” process in your own words.

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Summarize the “Rummage” process in your own words.

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