Lesson 6: The Covenantal Horizon


Add at least two resources from the Recommended Resources section of this lesson to the Covenantal Horizon section of your Five Horizons bibliography.

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The Temporal Question
When does my passage take place within the whole of redemptive history?

Add two quotations from resources in the Covenantal Horizon section of your Five Horizons Bibliography. Choose quotations that help you see the book of Haggai’s place in redemptive history.

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Summarize the book of Haggai's place within redemptive history.

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The Thematic Question
What theme in my passage should I trace through the plotline of redemptive history?
Haggai 2:20-23 contains the themes “Kingdom,” “Judgment,” and “The End.” We already explored the first theme in this lesson; now you get to explore “The End”—one of the two foundational themes of the Bible.

Look in a Bible dictionary or encyclopedia from your Five Horizons Bibliography for more information about “The End.” (Look up terms like “eschatology,” “end times,” “return of Christ,” and “Second Coming.”) Copy and paste three quotations here that summarize this theme.

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Look in commentaries on Haggai and biblical theology resources from your Five Horizons Bibliography for more information about “The End.” Copy and paste three quotations here.

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Based on the above quotations, summarize how this theme develops through the Bible and finds its culmination in Jesus Christ.

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What is the significance of this theme in Haggai 2:20-23 in relation to its Bible-wide development?

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