Lesson 7: The Canonical Horizon


  1. Two Wrong Ways of Thinking about Systematic Theology
  2. Don’t think it is less important than biblical theology.
  3. Don’t think it is artificial.
  4. What Is the Canonical Horizon?
  5. Its assumptions
  6. God has revealed himself in both nature and Scripture.
  7. That revelation is according to his character and is intelligible.
  8. Thus God’s revelation is perfect and unified.
  9. Its definition: The horizon that summarizes each major doctrine of Scripture in light of the whole testimony of Scripture
  10. Its doctrines
  11. Theology Proper (the doctrine of God)
  12. Bibliology (the doctrine of Scripture)
  13. Angelology (the doctrine of angels and demons)
  14. Anthropology (the doctrine of humanity)
  15. Hamartiology (the doctrine of sin)
  16. Christology (the doctrine of Christ)
  17. Soteriology (the doctrine of salvation)
  18. Pneumatology (the doctrine of the Holy Spirit)
  19. Ecclesiology (the doctrine of the church)
  20. Eschatology (the doctrine of the end times or last things)
  21. Its goal: To correctly interpret a passage of Scripture in the context of the whole Bible’s unified teaching for the sake of right living.
  22. Three Blessings of the Canonical Horizon
  23. It will make you a more faithful Bible interpreter.
  24. It will give you confidence to live rightly.
  25. It will enrich your delight in God’s glory.
  26. Using Rich Resources to Discover and Discuss the Canonical Horizon
  27. The two questions
  28. The import question: How does my passage fit within my understanding of the ten doctrines of systematic theology?
  29. The export question: What does my passage contribute to the ten doctrines of systematic theology?
  30. Principles
  31. A good resource’s underlying presuppositions are biblical.
  32. A good resource matches your abilities.
  33. A good resource helps you accomplish your purpose.
  34. Process
  35. Read
  36. Start by studying an extensive statement of faith.
  37. Take an online course.
  38. Buy and read an introductory book, and then more detailed books.
  39. Rummage
  40. Answer the import question:
  41. Identify a major doctrine in your passage.
  42. Read about that doctrine.
  43. Summarize the big picture of the doctrine and how the teaching of your passage fits within that big picture.
  44. Answer the export question:
  45. Write a summary sentence that describes what specifically your passage teaches about your chosen major doctrine.
  46. Write a second sentence that summarizes what your passage contributes to the whole teaching of the Bible on that doctrine.

The Five Horizons Cheat Sheetpdf
This cheat sheet summarizes each horizon: its goal, and the steps required to study it (e.g. the microscope and telescope questions).

Other Introductory Resources

Optionally, you can listen/read through the following three resources in the order presented here until you feel more confident in your grasp of the concept of systematic theology.
Introduction to Systematic Theology
Audio lecture by D.A. Carson
