Lesson 8: The Confessional Horizon

Recommended Reading

Free Resources for Using Historical Theology in Bible Study

Creeds, Confessions, and Catechisms

The Second London Baptist Confession
Contains each chapter of the confession on a separate page, beautifully designed, with tagged Scripture references

New City Catechism
A modern adaptation of several old catechisms; contains 52 questions and answers, accompanied by online resources; the children’s answers have also been set to music; available as an app

Books for Using Historical Theology in Bible Study

Study Bibles

Primary Sources¹ (all freely available online)

The Early Church
1 Clement
Clement of Rome

Ignatius of Antioch

Martyrdom of Polycarp
Polycarp of Smyrna

Against Heresies, Book 3
Iranaeus (read Books 3-5)

The Middle Ages

Summa Theologica
Thomas Aquinas; better to "dip into" (Reeves 147) than attempt to read in order
The Reformation and Post-Reformation

Religious Affections
Jonathan Edwards

Secondary Resources

Amazon (the Twelve Prophets volume) Logos (the Twelve Prophets volume) Accordance Olive Tree | Publisher
Amazon (the Matthew volume) Accordance Logos Olive Tree | Publisher
Other Resources

Resources for Studying Haggai in the Light of Historical Theology

When looking at doctrines of systematic theology taught in Haggai, I recommend using Historical Theology by Allison. He treats the same subjects in the same order Wayne Grudem follows in the first edition of his Systematic Theology, which makes this a companion volume.
Also, the Ancient Commentary on Christian Scripture includes a volume on The Twelve Prophets, which includes Haggai.
Haggai Annotated Bibliography
List of best commentaries on Haggai, with descriptions and recommendations
