Lesson 7: The Canonical Horizon
Add at least two resources from the Recommended Resources section of this lesson to the Canonical Horizon section of your Five Horizons bibliography.
Copy and paste the resources you added to your Five Horizons bibliography here.
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Now it’s your turn to rummage through some resources and study the Canonical Horizon in Haggai 1:12-15.
The Import Question
How does my passage fit within the contributions of the ten doctrines of systematic theology?
Which doctrines can you find in Haggai 1:12-15?
Which doctrine that you selected will you study in the rest of this assignment?
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Copy and paste a definition of your doctrine from a systematic theology volume in your Five Horizons bibliography.
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Copy and paste three important quotations on your doctrine from a systematic theology volume in your Five Horizons bibliography. (Consult the table of contents to help you find where your doctrine is discussed.)
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Find or write a sentence that summarizes the big picture of your doctrine as taught by the Scriptures as a whole.
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For example, if I were studying justification from Romans 4:5, I could write, “Justification is God’s act of declaring believers righteous through the finished work of Christ.”
Write a sentence that explains how Haggai 1:12-15's teaching about your doctrine fits within the big picture of that doctrine.
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For example, “Romans 4:5 teaches that God declares ungodly people righteous on the basis of faith, not works.”
The Export Question
What does my passage contribute to the ten doctrines of systematic theology?
Write a summary sentence that describes what specifically Haggai 1:12-15 teaches about your doctrine.
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For example, “Romans 4:5 teaches that God justifies people through faith alone apart from works, and that those who are justified are ungodly prior to the moment of that declaration.”
Then write a second sentence that summarizes what Haggai 1:12-15 contributes to the whole teaching of the Bible on your doctrine.
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For example, “Romans 4:5 emphasizes the ungodliness of those who are declared righteous, and the necessity of faith alone with no attempted add-on of works.”