Lesson 8: The Confessional Horizon


Add one confession and catechism from the Recommended Resources section of this lesson to the Confessional Horizon section of your Five Horizons bibliography. Also add at least two primary source resources from each time period (“The Early Church,” etc.).

Copy and paste the resources you added to your Five Horizons bibliography here.

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Identify “Markers”
Read and reference creeds, confessions, and catechisms.

Read through Chapter 5 and 17 of the Second London Baptist Confession. Copy and paste at least one statement from each chapter that helps us understand whether or not God’s blessing always leads to physical prosperity, and explain each statement in your own words.

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What Scriptures support these statements?

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Ask Mentors
Read and reference great Christian authors from the past.

Read the last six paragraphs of Calvin’s comments on Haggai 2:15 (starting with "Lay it, he says, on your heart from this day"). How does he help us rightly view physical blessings?

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Read section II.1. of Matthew Henry’s comments on Haggai 1:1-11. How does he help us rightly view physical blessings?

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On this topic, it will be helpful to hear some modern voices as well, since the prosperity gospel is a recent heresy. (This is a further practice of what we learned here in Lesson 5.) So at Crossway’s search page, search for “prosperity.” Under the “Search In” options on the left, select “Articles.” Read at least two articles that address the issue of God’s blessing and physical prosperity.

Summarize what you learned from your chosen two modern articles about our topic, using at least three sentences.

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List three Bible verses/passages that support your findings.

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