Lesson 10 | Quotations & Allusions


Let’s rewind a little to a passage we have already studied. Except this time, we will do a deep dive into the allusion we find there.
Note that the genre of each is historical narrative. Note also the dynamics of redemptive history that come into play here. Christ is the fulfillment of all the Old Testament—including being the perfect version of the godly prophets we find there, like Elijah. With those things in mind, watch me think through the connection Jesus is drawing.

Instructor Video: Luke 4:24-26

Your Turn

With that demonstration before you, now go study the allusion behind the next verse: Luke 4:27.


It is time to answer what you can. As you do, make sure to focus on the significance of the answers and how they help us understand Jesus’ reference to this story.

In the chapter prior to the story of Elisha and Naaman, we discover...

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Under Naaman’s command of the army, Syria...

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True or false: In the story of Elisha and Naaman, Israel’s king demonstrates faith in the LORD.

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Which of the following matches the biblical record?

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True or false: Naaman demonstrates impeccable faith.

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The purpose of Elisha healing Naaman was that Naaman may (the verb used in 2 Kings 5:8) ...

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